Security Advices
Security Advices
You can get lots of security related lessons including Internet Security, Email security, password security .. etc. In Addition you can view these lessons in an interactive mode. Don't forget to send these lessons to your friends to share the knowledge.
Security Advices
Choosing Passwords
Level: Teens


Use at least 8 characters.
Combine Capital letters and Small letters.
Deliberately misspell dictionary words.
Use Special characters (&#%?"!*….).
Change the password regularly.
Use different passwords for different accounts.
Change your password immediately if you felt it was tempered with.
Lock down your PC if you are planning to step away even for a short time.


Don't use your personal information or username to create a password.
Don't share your password with anyone.
Don't enter your password while others are watching you.
Don't write down your password or send it by email..
Don't Check "remember me" option on public computers.
Don't leave your computer unattended.